Plasmodium falciparum Palo Alto/Uganda (GCA_000521095.1) (Plas_falc_Uganda_Palo-Alto_FUP_H_V1)

About Plasmodium falciparum Palo Alto/Uganda

Plasmodium falciparum is a unicellular protozoan parasite of humans, and the deadliest species of Plasmodium that cause malaria in humans. Almost every malarial death is caused by P. falciparum, and 93% of death occurs in Africa. Children under five years of age are most affected, accounting for 61% of the total deaths. In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 75% of cases were due to P. falciparum, whereas in most other malarial countries, other, less virulent plasmodial species predominate.

(Text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)

Taxonomy ID 57270

Data source Broad Institute

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Genome assembly: Plas_falc_Uganda_Palo-Alto_FUP_H_V1

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