Eimeria acervulina (GCA_000499425.1) (EAH001)

Eimeria acervulina (GCA_000499425.1) Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Eimeria acervulina

Eimeria acervulina is a species of Eimeria that causes coccidiosis in poultry worldwide. Diagnosis is made by necropsy based on lesions in the upper third of the small intestine, and the appearance of white or grey striations along the intestinal mucosa. Scrapings of the mucosa from diseased birds can reveal oocysts.

(Text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)

More information

General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.



AssemblyEAH001, INSDC Assembly GCA_000499425.1,
Database version112.1
Golden Path Length45,830,609
Genebuild by
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceSC

Gene counts

Coding genes6,867
Non coding genes310
Small non coding genes308
Long non coding genes2
Gene transcripts7,177