Dictyostelium discoideum Assembly and Gene Annotation
About the Dictyostelium discoideum genome
Dictyostelium discoideum belongs to the group dictyostelids. It is a remarkable protist that can alternate long periods of life as single cells with stages of participation in multicellular assemblies. These assemblies display striking similarities with multicellular organisms including co-ordinated cell movements, differential cell adhesion, cell type specialization and organization into tissues. Dictyostelium is a popular system to study the evolution of social behaviour and of developmental strategies.
The data in this site is a direct import from dictyBase, The data used in this release corresponds to the release of dictyBase from 14-Oct-2009 and can be downloaded from here. The latest release from dictyBase can be downloaded from here. Publications using this data should cite the following publication: Fey P, et al. dictyBase - a Dictyostelium bioinformatics resource update. Nucl. Acids Res. 37:D515-19.
- The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium
Eichinger L, Pachebat JA, Glckner G, Rajandream MA, Sucgang R, Berriman M, Song J, Olsen R, Szafranski K, Xu Q et al. 2005. Nature. 435:43-57. - Novel non-coding RNAs in Dictyostelium discoideum and their
expression during
Aspegren A, Hinas A, Larsson P, Larsson A, Sderbom F. 2004. Nucleic Acids Res.. 32:4646-4656. - Analyses of cDNAs from growth and slug stages of Dictyostelium
Urushihara H, Morio T, Saito T, Kohara Y, Koriki E, Ochiai H, Maeda M, Williams JG, Takeuchi I, Tanaka Y. 2004. Nucleic Acids Res.. 32:1647-1653. - The cDNA sequencing
Urushihara H, Morio T, Tanaka Y. 2006. Methods Mol. Biol.. 346:31-49.
Picture credit: dictyBase. Copyright: M.J.
Grimson & R.L. Blanton,
"Biological Sciences Electron Microscopy
Laboratory, Texas Tech University.
Other data
The ESTs sequenced from different stages of Dictyostelium development were also downloaded from dictyBase and aligned to the genome using exonerate.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | dicty_2.7, INSDC Assembly GCA_000004695.1, Aug 2009 |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 34,134,454 |
Genebuild by | |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | European Nucleotide Archive |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 13,243 |
Non coding genes | 488 |
Small non coding genes | 488 |
Gene transcripts | 13,755 |