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What's New in Release 60

  • Genomes

    • EnsemblProtists has 237 genomes in total
  • Updated data

    • Updated annotation of molecular interactions involving protist genes
    • Updated protein features for all species using InterProScan
    • Updated BioMarts for gene and variation data
    • Updated pan-taxonomic gene trees and homologies

Ensembl Rapid Release

New assemblies with gene and protein annotation every two weeks.

Note: species that already exist on this site will continue to be updated with the full range of annotations.


The Ensembl Rapid Release website provides annotation for recently produced, publicly available vertebrate and non-vertebrate genomes from biodiversity initiatives such as Darwin Tree of Life, the Vertebrate Genomes Project and the Earth BioGenome Project.

Rapid Release news on our blog

Archive sites

The following archive sites are available to access previous versions of data: - Release 59, May 2024 - Release 56, February 2023 - Release 52, December 2021 - Release 49, December 2020 - Release 45, September 2019

Ensembl Protists

Ensembl Protists is a browser for protist genomes. A majority of these are taken from the databases of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (the European Nucleotide Archive at the EBI, GenBank at the NCBI, and the DNA Database of Japan); in some cases, the annotation has been taken directly from the websites of the data generators. Data can be visualised through the Ensembl genome browser and accessed programmatically via our Perl and RESTful APIs. Data is also accessible through public MySQL databases and our FTP site containing full data dumps in FASTA, EMBL, GTF, GFF3, JSON and RDF formats.

Ensembl Genomes is developed by EMBL-EBI and is powered by the Ensembl software system for the analysis and visualisation of genomic data. For details of our funding please click here.

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